OCTOBER 23, 2015
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Water minister Datuk Seri Dr
Maximus Johnity Ongkili and the
deputy-minister of Natural
Resources and Environment Datuk
It was revealed that the Kedah
Green Agenda was developed in
partnershipwith theMalaysian
Green Technology Corporation,
better known as GreenTech
Malaysia. Its constitution is in line
with the 11thMalaysia Plan
Strategic Thrust 4which is
structured around the central
theme “Pursuing GreenGrowth for
Sustainability and Resilience” as
well as the Kedah Strategic Plan
2014 - 2018 – both aimed at boosting
socio-economic growth.
The Kedah Green Agenda is said to
consist of 14 action plans. Each
strategically positions Kedah as a
model green state. Components of
this programme include strategies
and initiatives focusing on:
HumanCapital Development,
developing aCentre of
Excellence for SolarTechnology,
enhancing Sustainable Energy
installing LEDs in State
Government Buildings,
encouraging the adoption of
Government Green
deploying GreenData Centres
andGreenData Recovery
an LED Street Light Retrofitting
incorporating Solar Rooftop for
Rakyat’s Housing,
expanding Solar Power Plants,
the adoption of a Government
Electric Vehicle (EV) Fleet,
increasing EV Infrastructure,
promoting SustainableWaste
expanding the Rice Husk
Ecosystem, and
the implementation of Low
Carbon Cities in Kedah.
On the initiative, Mukhriz said:
“The seeds of Kedah’s green
transformation have already been
plantedwith Kedah emerging as
one of themajor solar photovoltaic
manufacturers in the world. With
the growing emphasis on going
green, the time is ripe to catapult
Kedah into its next phase of
growth, by positioning Kedah as a
model Malaysian state that has
successfully brought about the
convergence of societal well-being,
economic progress and
environmental sustainability.”
Theminister added that the
state will work closelywith the
knowledgeable experts at
GreenTechMalaysia on the
implementation of the plan. He also
highlighted the state’s other
initiatives that considered the
importance of the environment.
These included the establishment
1) First Solar Inc – a company
manufacturing the world’s largest
thin-filmphotovoltaic (PV) solar
module KulimHi-Tech Park;
2) Frangipani Langkawi Resort
&Spa whichwon the AseanGreen
Award 2012/2014; as well as the
3) Langkawi cable car –
Malaysia’s longest free-spanmono-
cable car which has been operating
on a PV diesel hybrid power system
with a capacity of 60kWh per day
(since 2008).
Ongkili expressedhis pleasure on
the state’s greenundertakings and
initiatives as these are alignedwith
theNational GreenTechnology
Policy andGreenTechnology
Masterplanwhichwere formulated
by hisministryKeTTHA
(KementerianTenaga, Teknologi
HijaudanAir) to propel the
application anddevelopment of
green technology in the country.
In fact, he informed that the
cooperation between the state in
GreenTechMalaysia was timely as
it coincides with the prime
minister’s aspiration for Langkawi
to become the first lowcarbon
island by 2030. “We hope that the
initiative by Kedahwill be emulated
by other states … using green
technology and green approaches
to power the country’s economy,”
Ongkili added.
On the collaboration, GreenTech
MalaysiaCEOAhmadHadri Haris
commented that hewas encouraged
by the partnershipwith the state.
“This is a fine example of howState
andFederal Governments can come
together, working in tandemwith a
Government agency such as
GreenTechMalaysia, to holistically
deliverMalaysia’s green agenda,
achieve the nation’sCOP15 pledge
andultimately realise our vision of
becoming aworldhub for green
technology by 2020.”
Followour property section
next week to learnmore of Kedah’s
green transformation plan.
>Kedah state government gets ball rolling in
advocating green agenda
the current hazy
climate conditions the
country is facedwith,
many feel that perhaps
this is a wake up call for the people
and those governing, to start acting
on intentions and declarations to go
green. There is no time left towait.
If you just skim through dailies and
look at what is happening all
around the world, the so-called
“natural disasters” people claim
“can’t be helped” stem from the
theory action-reaction. No doubt
there are natural disasters but these
that once happen rarely are
becomingmore frequent, and
impactingmore forcefully.
We have been given this
gargantuan piece of “property”
called Earth. It is home to us and
our loved ones. We only have this
space to live in and by right should
give a lot more thought to the
damage we are causing it as it will
eventually leave us and our
children, and children’s children,
with no “home” (over and above
sickness and suffering).
On a smaller scale, we return to
Malaysia, Kedah in particular,
where itsMenteri Besar Datuk Seri
MukrizMahathir recently unveiled
the Kedah Green Agenda at the
Langkawi International Cities
Forum. The event was graced by
the Energy, Green Technology and
Atasteof cushy
developer SP Setia has
been on the roll providing owners of
its properties with sophisticated
lifestyle comforts and luxury-filled
experiences. Its recent lucky draw
campaign rewarded its purchasers
with top drawer trips to various
local and international destinations.
The first drawunder the
campaign saw 10 lucky consolation
prize winners receive an exclusive
and tasteful opportunity of
indulging in hi-tea onboard a luxury
Prior to being whisked away on
the swanky cruise, the winners were
given a first-hand tour around Setia
Eco Park. Famed for its sprawling
forest park, the development boasts
impressive facilities and amenities
offering residents state-of-the-art
security systems and an
environment of lush landscapes.
The winners were then ferried to
the Admiral Marina in Port Dicksonwhere two
luxury yachts were awaiting to spoil its guests
rotten on this once-in-a-lifetime experience. As
the crafts cruised along the Straits of Malacca,
guests were treated to an extravagant hi-tea
buffet spread. Together with the gentle sea
breeze, nourishing to all the senses; there was
also a live band performing to entertain. The
well-appointed sojourn saw all on board
looking pretty satisfied and satiated, relaxing
and basking in the pleasurable experiences.
The Jet Set with Setia campaignwas
launched on August 31 this year and is
scheduled to run until December 1, 2015. The
campaign is part of SP Setia’s 40th anniversary,
where the company decided to express its
appreciation to all its purchasers who bought
SP Setia properties from Jan 1 to Dec 1, 2015.
The remaining lucky draws will take place on
Oct 31 andDec 31 this year. Purchasers of SP
Setia property developments still have a
chance towin trips with all the extras to cities
such as London, Melbourne and Singapore.
TeamSetia with thewinners, friends and family before boarding the yacht.
(From left) Samuri shows support as Ongkili hands the KedahGreen
Agenda toMukhriz during the unveiling ceremony at the Langkawi
International Cities Forum.
Langkawi cable car.
Resort & Spa.