OCTOBER 2, 2015
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>Design that meets the needs of inhabitants of home and nature
Holistic house
than just bringing
the outside in and vice
versa or erasing the
boundaries of in and
out, holistic interior design is an
approach that integrates the
functional needs of the *built
environment, as well as the body,
mind and spirit of the occupants.
From the choice of colour to the
amount of light, the sounds and
sights, textures and aromas –
marrying the needs of the
environment and that of the
inhabitants is crucial in this home
design concept. The goal is to
enhance wellbeing and create a
harmonious setting for the
occupants, includingMother
Nature and all it encompasses.
Go for natural lighting and save on
energy use by cleverly playing with
natural light. Use various materials
that reflect or intersperse light to
achieve a variety of artistic effects.
Fromcreating shadows onwalls to
forming colours and shapes or
simply allowing direct or indirect
sunlight to shine onto objects or
spaces – be amazed and awed by
themany stunning visual effects
sunlight can form.
Why spend lots of money buying
art when nature’s beauty itself can
provide glorious masterpieces? Go
big onwindows and liberal in glass
door dimensions and allownature’s
scenic beauty to captivate the
onlooker. Simply incorporate clear
glass or go for “naked” open
concepts where occupants have
grand views of the outside. Another
idea is to use glass ceilings where
one can “sleep under the stars” or
on rainy nights watch the splatter
of raindrops, which some find
In the interiors, use nature’s
elements like wood and stone, in
its natural state (eg timber frames,
weaved ceilings, wooden flooring,
natural stone walls, etc) These not
only give one a sense of being
outdoors, but natural elements are
said to enhance a sense of
“balance”, improve the state of
wellbeing, stimulating a sense of
equilibrium. As humans, we are
part of Mother Earth. Therefore, to
be among nature and its elements,
this encourages one to feel whole
and complete, and at one with
Water features can be a sight for
sore eyes. Moreover, the sound of
flowing water is calming and
soothing. From fountains to ponds,
indoor swimming pools, Jacuzzis,
water walls, et cetera, when used
creatively together with lights,
these canmake stunning features
that captivate and even “heal”. In
fact, research recognises the
healing power of sound, which has
been used for thousands of years.
And since our body is actually
made up of 70%water, the two sort
of complete each other. Moreover,
one canmake use of water to
generate energy by playingwith the
natural topography of an area.
Especially for homes situated on
elevated grounds, on hills or in the
outskirts where the air is cleaner,
more fresh, cool and crisp – no
words need describe the amount of
goodness fresh air does for the
body, mind and soul, compared
with the city smog. The wind can
also be used to generate energy.
One helps save the environment
when one uses less electricity.
While city folk sound-proof homes
to keep “noise pollution” low,
houses in the rural areas welcome
nature’s symphony. From the
sound of rain or wind, the
harmonious resonance of insects
and small creatures like the
croaking of the frogs and chirping
of the birds, et cetera, all these are
said to have some healing capacity
for our body, mind and soul. Like
the sound of water, sounds of
certain decibels are said to have
been used for thousands of years, as
a tool for healing.
Lots of open spaces that are free
fromclutter along with “zen
colours” – these have been
scientifically proven
to calmand heal. Zen-
inspired spaces, colours
and interior design
(clutter-free included)
concepts are also said to
invite calmand cause
the body, mind and soul
to be in a relaxed state.
In fact, some reports
state that these help
reduce distractions,
calm themind and
promotes the feeling of
peace and serenity.
[*Built environment
in this context refers to
the surroundings created
by humans, for humans,
to be used for human
activity. It is amaterial,
spatial and cultural
product that combines
physical elements and
energy, defined as “human-made
space inwhich people can live,
work and recreate on a day-to-day
** Note: The images in this
article are taken fromCasabrina
VacationVillas in Raub, Pahang.
Casabrina is nestled along the quiet
foothills and provides the weary
with acres and acres of all the above
andmuchmore. The day-to-day
running of the resort is skewed
towards sustaining the
environment. It is built with respect
and care forMother Nature, and
breeds positive energy.