has become
a concern across all sectors –
including technology and
construction. From
renewable energy to a cashless
society, the current climate issues
that have caused turmoil and unrest,
even taken lives, have spurred
innovations and stimulated
initiatives to preserve the planet by
adopting responsible practices.
Whilemany conscientiousminds
havemoved on to greener methods
of working within their work
environments and lifestyles, there
are always those hesitant or slow in
adopting change.
One sector going through this
“shift” andmoving into “green gear”
is the construction industry.
Malaysia Green Building
Confederation (MGBC) board
member CKTang shares his
professional views and industry
“The construction industry has
been going through a struggle in the
area of green development. When it
comes to buildings and property,
price and location is always the
focus. “Tangmade this statement
during a presentation delivered at
the International Urban
Sustainability andGreen Building
Conference (IUSGBC). He puts the
resistance and reluctance to
consider (for theman on the street)
or take on (for the property
developer) sustainable andmore
greenmethods of construction, to
the lack of awareness and
understanding. He underlines the
little emphasis put on sustainability
in these three common
1)When people talk about choosing
a property, the usual points in
question are on location, price
and aesthetics. The emphasis on
these three factors often relegates
the sustainability of a building (its
impact on the environment).
Matters pertaining to energy
efficiency and green building
features are thought of as just a
bonus feature.
2) Those who are interested in
green development when it
comes to commercial buildings
are usually conglomerates and
multinational firms. This scenario
often gives people the perception
that “going green” is only
affordable tomajor-league
establishments. Small companies
often neglect or may not have the
budget and time to think about
the “DNA of the building”
other than the
aforementioned factors.
3) There are toomany
green tools and
certification bodies in
themarket confusing
both professionals
and developers.
Professionals view
the amount of green
tools in themarket as
an additional burden,
as they are unsure
which standards to
follow andwhat are the
essential or necessary
greenmethods to take on.
According to Tang, “The
irony is that there is awareness
amongMalaysian developers and
architects on sustainable
development; local authorities have
also showed their interest in the
idea of developing green buildings
in their neighbourhoods (as
compared to the general attitude
some 15 years ago). Yet, the
enthusiasmhas not translated into
action and initiatives have not
been taken up as the property
market is still dominated by
location, price and aesthetics.”
On the issue that green
buildings are thought
to be expensive, Tang
opines: “Green is
expensive when the
standard design is
slapped onwith
green features; with
each feature as an
additional cost. It is
expensive because we
dare not take the risk,
especially engineers and
specialists. Most would prefer to
staywithin tried and successful
formulas rather than improve or
He adds that many developers
tend to just add on green features to
the standard design of their
buildings instead of implementing
sustainablemethods and elements
of construction into the blueprint
from the beginning.
Tang declares that this risk-
averse attitude towards sustainable
development, coupledwith the
reliance on pre-existing designs are
the culprits that give the perception
that green buildings are expensive.
Besides this, the idea of adopting
trends and technology fromother
countries bring us to another
perception, of the country’s
incapacity to innovate and come up
with new and sustainable building
Tang feelsMalaysians have the
tendency to doubt their capabilities
and achievements in setting trends
that lead in innovation. This meek
attitude (some call Asian culture)
has often “led some companies to
blindly adoptingWestern trends
and technologywithout weighing in
their local context”.
Tang circumscribes the dilemma
with the following thought.
“The question is this: Is green
expensive because professionals are
not being paid to be hardworking?
Or is green expensive because
professionals are not taking the
risks to up-selling themselves?
“Before we blame the developers
for anything, wemay need to blame
ourselves for not up-selling
ourselves. This is a problem
because the green issue is about
power play in the industry, as
organisations are fighting one
another and reinventing the same
wheel of blaming each other. Some
of theseman hours in placing the
blame on each other could have
been used to innovate and
implement new ideas. We not only
need tomake greenmore affordable
but alsomore exciting,” Tang
At the presentation, Tang offered
some solutions and advice to
developers and architects.
He says the first thing that people
need to be aware of is of their
surrounding. “Bear inmind the local
area, the DNA and characteristics of
the land intended for development
before adopting foreign trends. Not
all trends from theWest are suitable
for our country asMalaysia is in the
tropics and not a countrywith
four seasons.”
He urges developers to
adopt trends and solutions
that are appropriate and
feasible to our climate,
our environs, our
building and
development rules
and regulations, as
well as our culture.
The next issue he
addressed is the
perception that
Malaysia is lagging
behind in terms of
taking sustainable
steps. As it turns out,
Malaysia does have the
means, expertise and
achievements. He cites
Malaysia’s green exploits as
in the Securities Commission
office, whichwonMalaysia its
first Asean Energy Award for
Energy Efficient Building in 2001.
Other buildings like Kompleks
Kerja Raya 2 (KKR2), the Low
Energy Office (LEO) building in
Putrajaya, Green Energy
Building in Bangi and the
Diamond Building (Energy
Commission) are testaments
toMalaysia’s capabilities in
constructing green buildings.
His advice: “Start
evaluating the available
resources within the
country before
adopting any
technology and
trends from
Tang also
developers and
those in the
industry to be
innovative and
move out of their
comfort zones.
He talks of some of
the available resources
industry players could refer
Innovative software Cost
enables developers and architects to
determine the right design and
materials for their construction
work. The programme analyses
factors like the type of walls, glazing
tiles, direction of the buildings, etc.
with information on sustainability
benefits and net savings. This
software addresses a common
practice in the industry that causes
problems, which Tang believes is
the issuing of separate budgets by
the quantity surveyor and the
mechanical and engineering
departments on the installation of
lighting and air-conditioners.
Guidelines for energy efficient
building construction for tropical
climate locales are available in
books like
Building Energy Efficiency
Guidelines for ActiveDesign
Building Energy Efficiency
Guidelines for PassiveDesign
. These
books are written byMalaysians
and published inMalaysia and have
been used by professionals in other
countries, in practice and training/
teaching architects. Tang feels these
books prove that Malaysia does not
have to look to the west for every
sustainable trend.
However, Tang reckons that there
is a need for industry players in the
construction line to collaborate,
discuss and find newways to
benefit fromgreen development.
As sustainability is defined as
“meeting the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of
future generations tomeet theirs”, it
has been established and
acknowledged across the globe that
sustainability affects and involves
people, the planet and profits –
hence, the vox populi that it is
founded on three pillars – economic,
environmental and social, “which
means sustainable development will
not be sustainable if it does not
benefit all the respective parties in
the construction industry,” Tang
“However, we cannot just solely
rely on tax incentives and levies to
encourage all parties to go green.
Rather, we need to come together to
make green development amust
and desirable proposition – having
our own solution to suit our country
and climate, while simultaneously
adopting the necessary trends. We
cannot always rely on the
government to come upwith
solutions and directives; we need to
take the initiative tomake
sustainable development a trend,”
he prompts.
Green buildings use natural
resources efficiently, lowering
both utility bills and impact on
the environment.
• Buildings are positioned to
have an enormous impact
on the environment and
climate change. At 41%of
total US energy consumption,
buildings out-consume the
industrial (30%) and transport
(29%) sectors.
• Buildings use about 14%of
all potablewater (15 trillion
gallons per year), but water-
efficiency efforts in green
buildings are expected to
reducewater use by 15%
and savemore than 10% in
operating costs. Retrofitting
one out of every 100American
homes withwater-efficient
fixtures could avoid about
80,000 tonnes of greenhouse
gas emissions, which is the
equivalent of removing
15,000 cars from the road
for one year.
• Standard building practices
use andwastemillions of
tonnes of materials each year;
green building uses fewer
resources andminimises
waste. LEEDprojects are
responsible for divertingmore
than 80million tonnes of waste
from landfills, and by 2030 that
number is expected to grow
to 540million tonnes.
• Upfront investment in green
buildingmakes properties
more valuable, with an average
expected increase in value
of 4%. By virtue of lowered
maintenance and energy costs
the return on investment from
green building is rapid: green
retrofit projects are generally
expected to pay for itself in just
seven years.
•Green buildings reduce day-to-
day costs year over year. LEED
(Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design)
buildings report almost 20%
lower maintenance costs than
typical commercial buildings,
and green building retrofit
projects typically decrease
operation costs by almost 10%
in just one year.
• Between 2015 and 2018,
LEED-certified buildings in the
United States are estimated to
haveUS$1.2 billion in energy
savings, US$149.5million
inwater savings, US$715.2
million inmaintenance savings
andUS$54.2million inwaste
** Box info retrieved from US Green
Building Council website. More interesting
information on World Green Building
Council website.
Email your feedback and
queries to: propertyqs@
>Green constructionandbuildings reduce capital costs, benefitwidely
MARCH 11, 2016
NOVEMBER 24, 2017