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are a number of
factors that go under the
microscope by any potential
house buyer or property
investor. The twomost common
many pore over are cost and value.
While property developers are
aware of these, only somemeet the
demands and concerns given
inflation, competition, better
quality, more luxurious features;
reasons aplenty. However, for those
concerned about cost and value,
who are also contemplating
“greener” options, perhaps they
could consider prefabricated (pre-
fab) houses.
In a nutshell, a prefabricated house
is one constructed using
“prefabricated parts” –
manufactured in one location (often
a factory) and brought to a location
(usually the construction site) to be
assembled. This systemcalled
prefabrication, is a subset of a
building systemknown as
“Industrialised Building System” or
IBS in short.
Like any systemunder the IBS
banner, prefabricated houses share
these characteristics:
Components and parts like walls
and frames are produced in a
The component/s will be
brought to the construction site
to be assembled.
The system reduces labour and
time in completing a
construction project.
Nonetheless, evenwith the
mentioned strong points and
advantages, the prefabricated
systemof building hasn’t won
favour, especially among Asians,
Malaysians in particular. That said,
let’s explore themanymindsets,
perceptions we locals have on this
amazing and “greener” systemof
build and bust themyths many
believe in.
Myth #1: Prefabricated houses
are not strong and secure.
No fact, instead false impression.
Although there are not as much
bricks and cement used in the
construction of a prefabricated
house, it does not mean that it is
flimsy, weak or unsafe, neither can it
be easily destroyed bywind or a
In fact, prefabricated houses
comprise fabricated “parts” made in
a factory, which aremanufactured
to higher building standards than
most site-built homes. Eachmodule
or part also has towithstand being
lifted on to the back of a flatbed
truck and being transported to the
“building site”. This requires the
modules/parts to be solid and
durable, if not more, than the same
in strength as a traditional house.
To back this claim, look at
countries like Japan andAmerica
which have adopted prefabricated
housing systems. These are
countries subjected to natural
disasters and stringent housing
administrations and policies.
Moreover, somematerials used
in the construction of prefabricated
houses, like plasterboards (drywall)
for instance, have been integrated
into traditional places of dwelling
andwork, and have proved hardy
and durable. For those who did not
know, the St Regis Hotel in Kuala
Lumpur integrates both traditional
construction and IBSmethods in its
configuration; USGBoral Fire-
Resistant Drywall and Ceiling
System to be exact.
Myth #2: Prefabricated houses
are not flexible in design nor
As in how the previous mythwas
formed, this is based on a similar
concept. The idea of prefabricated
houses being pre-manufactured
frommoulds; components “put
together” after being transported to
the construction site for assembly -
some say a “Lego house” comes to
Critics are quick to point out the
perceived rigidity of this system
considering that “everything” is
“pre-made”, what more with the
analogy of a Lego house.
Modular Today, a prefabricated
house reviewwebsite, states that
prefabricated buildings can be
customised according to the
preference of the buyer/developer.
This is mainly because
prefabricated house parts, like dry
walls and frames, are built in
factories, and changes to the design
template is not impossible.
The pre-fab houses of today have
in fact come a longway since it was
first introduced in themarket.
Today, there aremany different
moulds that can create different
parts of a house.
Flexibility of prefabrication is
also further validated by another
systemunder the IBS banner,
known as the “Hybrid/ Innovative
System”. According to Aathaworld,
aMalaysian contracting firm
dealing in buildingmaterials, this
innovative systemcombines the use
of various IBSmethods, including
using both IBSmethods with
normal brickwork, to build houses.
With this system, contractors have
alternatives, thus reduces their
dependence on traditional wall-and-
serve. It also provides a gateway to
use prefabrication and other forms
of IBS systems of construction.
On style, doesn’t each have his or
her own, as in the saying: “Beauty
lies in the eye of the beholder”?
(Visit the St Regis in KL and take in
the sights, then get back to us. )
Myth #3: Prefabricated houses
do not benefit developers.
This notion deals with the potential
problems of executing
prefabrication. Some like to call it
“an excuse”. As in all circumstances
that require “change”, newmethods
andways of doing things often come
with some hesitation, we’d like to
believe, only because of lack of
knowledge. However, some reason
it to “lack of funds”.
In reality, prefabricated house
buildingmethods can benefit both
big and small developers. If done
right and cleverly, it can also save a
lot –money, time, and the
AccordingUSGBoral (a provider
of lightweight materials to builders,
like plasterboard) managing
director Daron Cheah, some
prefabricatedmaterials are not only
strong but also lighter than bricks.
“This benefits prefabrication
builders as weight of the units are an
important factor in determining
transport and hoisting costs,” Cheah
Cheah also says there is huge
benefits in using the hybrid system
combining pre-fabwith traditional
“In a traditional concrete
building, when you combine using
lightweight material like drywall
(plasterboards) in its construction,
it helps to reduce the weight of the
building on the whole and therefore
reduces super structure and sub-
structure costs. The speed of
construction is also faster and pre-
fab is less dependent on labour. To
cut it short, developers can save a
lot of money, of which the savings
can be passed down to the home
buyers, whichmakes the pre-fab
systemactually advantageous in
manyways and tomany parties,”
Cheah says.
Myth#4: Prefabricated houses
are hardly any “greener” than
regular houses.
Unless one works with a
certification body like the Green
Building Index (GBI) or the
Malaysia Green Building
Confederation, one really can’t
gauge howmuch greener or not
building a house using pre-fab
systems is from the norm. However,
countries and governments which
are working on lessening their
carbon footprint and impact on
climate change are championing
these newer and “cleaner” methods
of construction and building.
According to Cheah, as in every
subset systemunder IBS,
prefabrication addresses waste
management and environment
issues. Components in pre-fab
systems like steel and earth-friendly
board are sustainable and
recyclable, enabling developers to
manage their budgets and build
their projects responsibly. In turn of
recycling and better budgeting,
contractors and builders can reduce
the amount of materials left unused
or wasted.
As every component is produced
in the factory, prefabrication also
helps reduce the noise levels and
possible pollution at building sites.
As usually found in conventional
building sites where sand and debris
waste are common after
construction, this is not the case in
pre-fab building systems. With less
waste, fewer hands need to be
employed and shorter time-frames
are required in building. All these
boil down to loads of savings – time,
pollution, waste, employees, money
andmost significant;y, our “bigger
home”, our planet.
In line with the global aspiration to
combat climate change and reduce
GHG emissions, theMalaysian
government and like-minded
operators of businesses have been
taking steps tomake changes for the
better, including implementing IBS
into construction schemes included.
Companies like Ajiya Berhad,
Aathaworld andGamuda are among
others who have introduced
alternative forms of construction
and building. WorksMinister Datuk
Fadillah Yusof also shares that the
Malaysian government has
intention to promote and encourage
IBS construction projects, even
making it compulsory in 2018.
Just months ago, Syarikat
PerumahanNegara Berhad (SPNB)
officiated a centre focused on
training individuals on the Ajiya
Green Integrated Building
Solutions (AGIBS) system. A
memorandumwas signed between
SPNB andAjiya adopting the AGIBS
system into their construction
projects, beginningwith Rumah
Generasi Baharu Felda as its maiden
project. Once completed, it will
offer 20,000 homes. Steel will be
used to form the structure of the
house. With AGIBS, construction
industry players are expected to
save onmanpower, minimise
construction time and reduce
operating costs using eco-friendly
materials andmethods.
>Bustingmyths about the ‘Legomethod’ of building livingquarters
Steel framing by smart housing.
Modular homes bymodularhomesva.
Panel homes by Joy Design Studio.
Formwork by TAC System.
Samplewall by AGIBS.
NOVEMBER 10, 2017