new developments and sub-sale
listings together in the search
results under the “buy” tab.
“The enhanced search
experience is set to offer
unprecedented ease of use,
delivering extraordinary customer
and consumer satisfaction. It is a
one-stop solution to showcase
property listings in the market on
every platform including desktop,
m-site and mobile, which really
means more visibility and more
leads for your projects as you are
able to engage with property
buyers and investors
anywhere and at any time.”
These improvements
are also said to focus on
building newways to
help make it easier
for the over 1.4
million property
buyers and
investors who visit
the firm’s site (on a
monthly basis) to
find their dream
hopes that the enhancements
on its website and mobile
app will see an increase in traffic
on new development listings.
“We are expecting growth of as
much as 23 times on the
website and by 57%
on our mobile app,”
the company
representative said.
Some of the
information one can
receive on the
.com.mywebsite includes
content on sale, rent,
auction, sub-sale and
new launch property,
more focused searches
based on areas or
locations (countries
and states included),
number of rooms or
built-up areas, and also
price range and
affordability. You can
even tab and store
searches for reference
later to and shortlist
listings to follow-up.
Other information
provided includes
price tags over a
number of years, loan calculator,
as well as information on the
surrounding area and
According to findings from
the recent iProperty.comAsia
PropertyMarket Sentiment Survey
H1 2017, 40% of respondents are
looking at purchasing newly
developed properties.
As such, the firm believes that
with such high demand for newly
developed property, this new
search feature will provide its
users more ease to reach these
target markets effectively.
To experience the convenience
that comes from using online
methods for property search,
download the newmobile app,
available on the Play Store and
App Store.
Alternatively, there are other
property portals, websites and
apps to explore, including Brickz.
my, PropertyGuru
.com.my,PropWall.my and
convenient for its users,
allowing easy access to
its user-friendly and
info-extravagant website
via iOS andAndroid
systemapps. Whether
your intention is to buy,
sell, rent or simply keep
tabs on the property and
real estatemarkets, do
visit these online sites to
experience the
convenience they bring,
alongwith the vast
amounts of useful
information they
For those who are
new to carrying out
searches on property/
real estate online, here is
the long and short of the
information one can get,
Email your feedback and
queries to: propertyqs@
you could say
that almost everyone
is on the ball and
agreeable that digital
technology is the way forward, we
find that those in the property
industry, including buyers, sellers
and leaseholders, are also singing
the same tune.
In fact, looking for property,
whether to buy, sell or rent via the
internet, has indeed become quite
effortless, thanks to digital
technology and, of course, the tech
experts and computer science
geniuses who piece together
property search engines, websites
and web pages. Thanks to the likes
of these, our lives are less
stressful and not as demanding,
giving more time for other
Today, information is quite
literally at one’s fingertips –
available via verbal command
or at the touch of a few buttons
or keys on smartphones and
electronic gadget keyboards and
keypads. This easy access to a
wide range of relevant information
can benefit those on all sides of the
property arena – land owners, the
property developer, buyers,
sellers, tenants, agents, etc.
The internet would be very
useful to those mentioned above,
and the insights that can be
gleaned online is really vast, with
data that can be used to the
advantage of all in the entire
property industry spectrum. With
that, we highlight some of today’s
user-friendly portals, websites and
web pages that some claim takes
the stress out of physically
searching for a piece of property or
real estate, whether buying, selling
or renting.
When looking for a piece of real
estate or property to buy, sell or
rent, no information is considered
too much. In
fact, the more
one receives
prior to a
decision to
buy, sell or
rent, the better
the result.
decisions are no
doubt quality
decisions and
choices require
As it is THE biggest purchase in one’s life (inmost
cases) where the smallest of mistakes could be very
costly, here are some advice to take heed of.
• Choose a good and reliable property site.
• Always double check with a reliable agent or
• House prices vary, so take your time when
• Negotiate.
• Learn about the neighbourhood. Better still, talk
to the neighbours.
• Take note of flood-prone areas, dump sites nearby
or sewage treatment plants.
• Check with town council on upcoming plans for
the area.
• Physically view the property at different
times of day.
• Check price of property across the
• Put tabs on preferred areas and
• Compare prices across websites and
apps to get the best deals.
• Ensure all information online gels with
that in reality.
the internet,
one would have to
actually go through a
number of classified ads in various
dailies before identifying a few
possibilities, then contact the
owner/agent to get additional
information, followed by
personally viewing each of the
properties/real estate plots to
physically viewwhat is and isn’t in
the agreement.
Today, in the era many refer to
as “The Internet Of Things”,
research is merely a few clicks,
taps and scrolling of the mouse at
almost any location that has
internet connection.
Search portals andwebsites like
iProperty.commake it all themore
while possibly sitting at one’s desk
on their computer, or even out
sipping coffee at a cafe while
scrolling through a property
website on their smartphone.
According to surveys and feedback
from analyses conducted by the
people behind iProperty.com
Malaysia, the firm reports that the
way consumers search for
property has evolved and is
changing even further as the world
“The need for quality
information and content that helps
themmake informed decisions has
never been more crucial. But aside
from this, we also know that being
the perfect marketing partner for
our customers is just as
important,” said a source from the
Hence, generating quality
leads and ensuring their projects
get the visibility they need has
become core priority for which
it recently introduced its
new search experience on
.com.my“This new search experience
will now feature a combination of
>Searching for property/real estate via the internet