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you ever experienced
a daywhen suddenly the
cosy ambiance of home
does not seemcomforting
anymore? Once perfect interiors
appear two-bit; cobwebs sitting in
the corners of the ceiling and the
water stains on the sofa andwooden
furniture are all of a sudden staring
at your face; andmind you, the once
attractive and simply soothing
colour theme of home interiors now
looks hideous and has become
almost unbearable.
A home that does not evoke
feelings of warmth, comfort,
contentment and joy obviously
needs serious thought. If the home
is sending you these signals, fret not.
You can restore that once charming
and alluring appeal to interiors with
just a few tweaks here and there.
And the beauty of it is that these
simple solutions can be
accomplished over the weekend.
We’ll start with the basics, which is
decluttering. While some people
can think better creatively in a
messy space, for others it poses a
distraction. Various studies have
shown that clutter steals your
focus, increases stress levels and
contributes to procrastination,
among other negative
Declutter the home bit by bit,
room by room. Have boxes or
plastic bags on hand for the stuff
that needs to be thrown out or
packed for recycling. When
starting out in each room, reach in
to hidden spaces including drawers
and shelves settled with dust that
you can’t recall when you last
opened. Empty these and have all
its contents in clear view. Lay down
guidelines on items to keep and
toss out. Some important areas to
work on to regain the lure of home
: leftover or expired
food; kitchen and cooking
utensils or dinnerware sets that
have been a little too well-used;
and expired medications which
should be brought to hospitals
or clinics for disposal and not
dumped into the bin.
Home office
: old and unused
stationery; useless old bills, mail
and paperwork; and unusable
cables and knick-knacks that
can be recycled.
: old or unused
clothing, shoes and jewellery;
old books and magazines that
will never be read again, which
can be donated, recycled or
thrown out.
Living room
: souvenirs from
bygone eras that do not rekindle
a pleasant memory; broken
remote controls; old CDs,
DVDs, cassettes, VCR tapes;
and unused or outdated
decorative pieces that do not
match interior’s theme,
including items you can’t figure
out for the life of you what they
: old and unused
toiletries; excessive or
disorganised supply of toilet
paper rolls and towels; old
toothbrushes and pearly white
products; and expired beauty
Tackling the dust and grime of the
home is another way to make it
sparkle like brand new. Oprah.com
writer Lynn Andriani has a room-
by-room guide that settles the
home in one day – eight hours, to be
Start in the morning with the
bathroom by vacuuming and then
wiping the walls and ceilings.
Follow by spraying and soaking
shower walls, tubs, floors and sinks
with cleaning agents. While the
solutions are working their magic,
haul up any throw rugs, shower
curtains, window drapery and floor
mats and toss them into the
washing machine. Complete by
rinsing off the cleaning solutions.
Move on to the bedroom, with
vacuuming and then wiping down
the walls and ceilings, followed by
dusting off. Strip the bed of linens
and the windows of
its frills and fancies to be washed.
Open up the windows while
cleaning them, as it also works to
air out the mattress and pillows. If
there are any large area rugs or
wall-to-wall carpeting in the room,
look into hiring a professional to
get these properly steamed and
Next up is the kitchen. Start off
by cleaning out the refrigerator and
freezer. Next, wash its shelves and
compartment trays; and do not
forget to wipe the door seal to
remove any crumbs or debris.
Scrub down the stove, oven and
other cooking appliances to remove
the build-up of grease and stains.
The same goes for counter surfaces
and cabinets – not forgetting knobs
and handles. Amixture of warm
water and dishwashing detergent
should work when scrubbing off
grease. Complete the purge and
cleansing by sweeping, vacuuming
and mopping the floor.
Last stop is the living area. Begin
by cleaning the fans and ceilings.
While using a duster seems natural,
keep dust from flying about by
using an old pillowcase instead;
simply slip the pillowcase over the
fan blade, then wipe the dust off
and into the pillowcase. Move on to
vacuuming and wiping the walls,
cleaning cooled-down lightbulbs
with a damp microfibre cloth,
washing lampshades and lighting
covers. Give all furniture a wipe.
Lastly, vacuum, sweep and mop
under all furniture and furnishing.
Painting over something is the
cheapest and oldest trick in the
book. There is nothing a fresh coat
of paint cannot cover up, and pretty
much everyone can paint! However,
some planning is required before
you take that brush to the walls.
Start by deciding if youwant to
stay safe and strike out with an
accent wall or go boldwith an entire
room. Then decide which colours
wouldwork. Different colours can
change the entiremood of a space,
so it is important to pick the right
shades and tones, depending on the
room. While shopping for paint,
take home colour cards and tape
them to your wall to visualise how
it will look or use a colour app. Most
paint companies have developed
apps that help consumers visualise
and decide on colours for various
parts of their homes.
Now, paints also come in
different sheens for use in different
areas of the home. Matte paint, for
example, is perfect for low-traffic
areas and hides imperfections. High
traffic andwet areas, on the other
hand, should be paintedwith gloss
or semi-gloss paint, as they are easy
to clean and are reflective, which
help in distributing natural lighting
around the room.
Important note: when painting
interiors, do not skip on primer.
It helps cover imperfections on the
surface and provides a longer-
lasting finish.
Sometimes, just a simple nudge of
the couch or reshuffling about of the
furniture can change the entire
image of a room. Especially if a
recent decluttering sessionwas
done, a re-organisation of the room
is in order. If possible, move out all
or most of the furniture in the room
and put themback in, not
necessarily all. It is easier to
visualise and plan a new
arrangement when the roomhas
been cleared of visual obstructions.
Start by bringing in the anchor
pieces, such as the bed or the couch,
or any other large furniture. Once
the bigger items are in place, it is
easier to organise the other smaller
ones around these huge pieces.
If youwant the room to feel
spacious, keep furniture items
roughly three to four inches away
from the walls. This creates the
illusion of the wall being farther
away. For rooms that are often used,
consider the flowof traffic when
planning the arrangement. Paths
should be kept clear of obstacles
andmovement should centre
around anchor pieces, rather than
through them.
Sort your possessions into
similar groups and store these
individual collections of items
together in one area using baskets
or boxes. This method of
organisation ensures that
everything is in its proper place,
further reducing the build-up of
Simple works to refresh the
home can be DIY-ed. Avoid heavier
alterations that require the
expertise of professionals, such as
plumbing, electrical and structural
works like installing kitchens, water
features and indoor ponds. While
including plants and greenery could
add a lovely touch to interiors, they
can alsomake or break the entire
look if not precisely selected and
meticulously placed.
> Simplemakeovers to put appeal back into interiors that have lost its charm