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> Small steps to greener homes and sustainable living
is a general
misconception that living
green is expensive. Truth is,
there are quite a number of
small and easy steps one can take to
make the home “greener” yet not
exhaustively deplete those green
notes in your bank account.
Textiles play a huge role when it
comes to homes deemed
fashionable. However, when dealing
with textiles and trying to keep to
“sustainable” principles of living, a
better option is to choose natural
fibres as opposed to synthetic ones.
Freshome writer Cynthia Bowman
suggests swapping out the area rug
with onemade of jute, sisal or wool
for an eco-friendly choice.
Moreover, while the touch adds
texture to the room, its natural form
and visible feature take the “green”
theme a notch higher.
Hemp is another great option as
a “green” fabric that is ideal for
upholstery. Not only is it produced
free of chemical, but it is also
known for its durability, hence, a
great choice for furniture that is
hardy enough to take a beating.
As for cotton andwool however,
it is advisable to source for the
organically-produced. Aim for
cotton grownwithout the use of
pesticides and chemicals and
wool from sheep that are fed and
However, some homeowners
still prefer synthetic fabrics due to
its many perks and advantages.
Those who abide by sustainable
living practices should look for
100% recycled polyester made from
bottles or plastic containers.
For furniture identified under the
sustainable banner, it isn’t just about
how andwhat it is made of.
Durability is an important criterion
when deciding on sustainable
furniture pieces.
Another point to consider is the
simple notion of buying cheap,
which usually encompasses items
with a short lifespan. Things that do
not last, breakdown frequently.
Eventually, the item is chucked out
as trash. Referred to these days as
the throwaway culture; this
mentality is not just bad for one’s
wallet, it leaves a negative impact on
the environment.
Today, bamboo is fast gaining
traction as one of many eco-friendly
choices available for furniture. Not
only does bamboo growquickly, it
is extremely durable. Rattan
however, a palmbyproduct, is made
intowicker furniture and is another
sustainable option. Like bamboo,
rattan grows rapidly and can hold
off wear and tear.
When choosing sustainable
furniture, made fromwood, look
for ones with the Forest
Stewardship Council (FSC)
certification. This verifies that the
wood used in its making was grown
and harvested responsibly. Some
examples of sustainable-sourced
wood include teak, walnut and
Another option is to use or buy
furnituremade from reclaimed
wood. Buying locally-sourced
furniture is another good step
solutionwithin the sustainable
practising culture, it reduces the
carbon footprint by shortening the
manufacturing supply chain.
A green home also attributes to a
healthy home. To keep the air
healthy for inhabitants, onemust be
aware of the products used. Look
out for those which pollute the air
due to “off-gassing”. Off-gassing is
explained as gas-releasing process
that takes place in furniture pieces
and other household goods,
discharging volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) into the air.
These are said to take a toll on one’s
House plants domore than just
add character to a room. Certain
plants have been proven byNasa to
bemore effective in filtering out
toxins for healthier air, reported a
study conducted in 1989. Dutch
researchers in a 2008 experiment
also found that indoor plants effect
lower stress levels.
Spider plants are among the list
of Nasa-approved. They don’t look
spectacular in anyway but are easy
tomaintain. The plant is known for
its long, skinny leaves that point
downward, resembling the legs of
spiders. For maximumvisual
appeal, plant these in a hanging pot
or on the top of a cupboard or shelf.
Another easy plant to care for, is
the Snake plant. The unique colour
and shape of the snake plant (also
known asMother In-Law’s
Tongue), alsomake it a great
,without theenvy
addition to any part of the home.
Stick it in amid-century style four-
legged planter and place it in the
corner of the living roomor keep it
small and simple with amini planter
on your bedside table.
Besides having plants in the
home, there are also other ways to
ensure the air circulatedwithin the
home is clean and healthy, as in
using an air purifier.
Paints are another huge VOC
offender. The “fresh paint” smell is
really off-gassing inmotion and it
can last anywhere from three to five
years for it to fully “gas off”.
Choosing low-VOC paint is not
enough, instead look for zero-VOC
and odour-free paints.
Ensuring there is proper ventilation
in the home is important. It not only
helps clear out the air indoors but
alsomaintains a cool temperature,
much needed in our hot and humid
climate. When the homemaintains
a comfortable temperature, there is
a less constant need for fans and air
In an interviewwithHome &
DecorMalaysia, NewBob Group
managing director Dr Lee Ville
dished out advice for natural
ventilation. “If you orientate the
building at the right orientation by
not facing the sun and avoid placing
your glass windows facing the east-
west, this will pave way for better
natural ventilation. Somake sure to
place your glass windows towards
the north-side,” Lee said.
Practise cross-ventilation by
opening windows or doors on both
sides of the house. This creates high
and lowpressure areas, resulting in
a cross breeze that will draw the
heat out.
The simple act of choosing the
right paints can also helpmaintain a
comfortable indoor temperature as
certain paints have been formulated
to include “sunblock technology”
that help reduce surface
Painting the roof white or
choosing tiles that are light in
colour will reflect heat and give the
home amodern futuristic vibe.
The type of window treatments
used also play an important role in
keeping the heat out. Although it
sounds counter intuitive to use
thick curtains, the US Department
of Energy found that “medium-
coloured draperies withwhite
plastic backing can reduce heat
gains by 33%. Draperies should also
be hung as close towindows as
possible and allowed to fall onto a
windowsill or floor to reduce heat
Unlike the traditional incandescent
bulbs and compact fluorescent
lamps (CFL), light emitting diode
(LED) bulbs “use at least 75% less
energy, and last 25 times longer,
than incandescent lighting”, reports
the US Department of Energy.
LEDs do not experience “burn
out” or fail; instead, it goes through
“lumen depreciation” where the
brightness of the LEDdiminishes
with use. Besides its energy-saving
ability, LED bulbs are known to be a
better choice for the environment
as they are recyclable. Older bulbs
containmercury, poisonous
material that affects the earth if not
discarded properly.
Besides, the best part about
LEDs is the wide spectrumof
colours available. For homeowners
who prefer the warmyellowof
incandescent bulbs, there is an LED
bulb for that! Look for warmwhite
or soft white LED bulbs for that
yellowhue that sends a sense of
warmth and cosiness.
In all, before starting out on your
“green” journey, do a littlemore
research to see what will work for
your home. Seek experts in the field
if unsure. Tour other green homes
to look and learn. Even if you decide
tomakeminor green adjustments
around the house, you have already
helped the environment in some
way, better than none.
OCTOBER 6, 2017