The outcome is a bold and
daring space that evokes an
energetic effect. Break the rules
and go for strong shades for a
fabulous and somewhat
dramatic effect. Blend one-
colouredwalls withwall-
papered ones, each in
contrasting tones or perhaps go
for a striking wall colour and
theme this with loud-coloured
accessories, furnishings and
furniture. Imagine Cyndi Lauper
or abstract art and know that
yours will be a space that creates
a unique look and feel.
Another idea to add to this
style using conflicting colours is
to decorate spaces within these
walls with bespoke furniture.
Here, you get to up the ante on the
madmix of hues, even in the
choices of the smaller objet d’art.
Use splashes of vibrant fuchsia or
turquoise to create an interior
space that you enjoy coming home
to, one that speaks your personality
or evokes your inner spirit.
Mixing textures, otherwise known
as “layering”, requires skill and
talent, say interior designers. The
effect could create depth andmake
all the difference between interiors
simply and quickly put together or
one furnishedwithmuch thought
for a space with soul and substance.
While some refer to such spaces as
interiors with character, others
may view it as a dramatically
decorated home or one with
personality and charm, as if “alive”.
Nonetheless, layering with
various textures canmake a
difference to anywall, floor and
ceiling even. The technique can
also be used to “bring out” or add a
buzz to upholstery, window
coverings and even accessories.
It may not be too alien for one to
use a variety of textures in
upholstery. Froma variety of
different textured floor rugs and
carpets, curtains, cushion covers
and bedding – these are quite
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>Modern day interior designers and industry
experts introduce a new concept onwhat gels
Opposites attract
interiors” explains one. “It’s about
putting together function and
style,” describes another.
Like it or not, wood andmetal
are in and have found their way
intomany homes, offices,
commercial and naturally,
industrial spaces. The result – a
warehouse look, an earthy yet
polished appearance that exudes a
sense of ease, freedom, an
unrestrained feel that invites the
laissez-faire betweenwalls. Call it
themost unlikely pair, you have to
agree that the outcome is really
somewhat appealing.
Those intending to dress their
interiors in this style need not
spendmuch as the raw look and
feel allows for exposed ceilings that
feature pipes and ducts, bare
brackets and tubes, untreatedwood
fusedwith stainedmetals and
unconcealedwiring that give an
unfinished look. Peeling paint,
unevenly put together pieces of
furniture, do-it-yourself furnishings
in its slipshod assembled form ... All
these andmore express a functional
space that is hip and stylishwith
hints of vintage in between.
Mixes of colours that don’t match
can come as attractive. In fact,
colours that “clash” kind of make a
statement, a talking piece, as this
stands out and catches the eye.
Once before when no one would
think of having two strong colours
in the same roomor space for that
matter, today, you can find homes
donned in blues and greens, navies
and bright oranges, limes and
yellows against maroons and a
crazymix of unlikely hues.
are the days when
one was clear about what
matched or corresponded
andwhat did not. These
days, there seems to be a very thin
line between black andwhite or
evenwhat is right andwrong for
that matter. It looks as though the
world has become such a complex
place to live in, then again perhaps
it is a “grey” era we have chosen to
make of it ourselves. However,
anyone with an open-mind could
look at this perception inmodern
day light, as a creative ideology, a
higher understanding, or a liberal
or creative perception of what goes
well together.
Bowled over on this insight,
explores some of today’s
unconventional matches (some say,
made in heaven) and the concept
that creativity really has no
boundaries. After all, according to
research, each individual is unique
and sees things differently.
In the world of architecture and
interior design, while all is
questionable, at the same time
unquestionable, in the creative
domain, many claimbeauty lies in
the eye of the beholder. While one
will agree that stripes and dots just
don’t jibe, another may consider
this crazy idea as a fusion of
eclectic style.
The use of metal andwood in
interiors has been around for some
time now. However, inmore recent
times, especially inMalaysia, we
have noticed a lot more of these
two unlikelymaterials being paired
up in a space and sometimes even
conjoined together in one piece of
furniture or paraphernalia.
Some in the creative field term
this marriage of two “unlikely”
matters “industrial interior design”.
It’s about the yin and yang, “adding
a raw and unfinished look to the
most thoughtfully designed
common inmany homes. One can
also vary the textures used on a
particular piece of furniture or
furnishing, playing with something
soft and easy to touch along with
somethingmore drastic, perhaps
hard or even bristly. Alternate the
size of the objects with textures for
evenmore depth, and go for
colours and prints of different
dimensions as well.
Choose a variety of fabrics from
light and translucent to something
heavier and thick, with designs on
brocade, velvet or silk, pairedwith
knotted braids and needlework for
a sense of opulence. Frills, flounces,
ribbons and laces are often used, as
these, if applied cleverly, can bring
about warmth and a calmand
pleasant feel to interiors.
Last but not least, while being
creative can give rise to
unconventional and fresh ideas and
concepts, try not to go overboard in
inter-blending. Then again, if the
outcome is pleasing to the eye of
the inhabitants and brings harmony
to the soul, why not?
the slightest bit is considered a
regular and reasonable thing to
do. A perfect example is the
architectural and interior style that
is relevant in today’s era, called
the “eclectic style”. It is explained
as a fusion style that combines
culture, technology, style, shape,
even the “time”. The style is said
to offer everything, with no rules
that limit creativity combining
modern elements with classics,
oldwith new, high qualitywith flea
market and such. The main point
is not freedom but harmony in
MAY 6, 2016