> Zoning in on UMCityMedini Lakeside
doubt there is a lot of
controversy and difference
of opinionwhen it comes
to IskandarMalaysia. What
more with the drop in oil prices and
the bleak economic forecasts. Still,
the optimists claim life is a cycle,
now a challenging time for the
country and its people. However,
still focusing on the south of the
will detail
development projects within
Medini Iskandar and those
surrounding themasterplan over
the next fewweeks.
For a start, the objective under
theMedini Iskandar masterplan is
to “developMedini into a bustling
metropolis” states the Iskandar
Development website. Gone over
with a fine-tooth comb and
projected to attract investors with
catalytic projects, foreigners and
their foreign currencies and
investments, plus tourists, visitors
and business entrepreneurs. A
challenge now, especially as the oil
and gas industry had amajor role to
play in this project.
Nevertheless, like all good
property purchases and
investments where the people are
told to look out for good landDNA,
Iskandar still ticks all the right
boxes, UMLand’sMedini lakeside
development included.
One of many exceptional property
development projects on-going in
Medini Iskandar is an integrated
project by UMLandMedini
Lakeside Development Sdn Bhd.
Phase 1 of this development project
runs across 5.03 acres. Poised to
fuel the economy in the south,
UMCityMedini Lakeside
(UMCity) offers modern lakeside
living that is laced with urban
amenities and facilities, intricately
designed within a healthy
ecosystem environment.
Sounds like a hodge-podge and a
mouthful, yet when you look closer,
you will see howwell planned this
fully integrated “city” is designed
to become, offering world-class
comforts and commercial
conveniences amid green spaces.
The birth of UMCity amounts
to a gross development value of
RM1 billion. Designed for ideal
business and living, some
renowned “partners” include:
The Ascot Limited providing
award-winning serviced
Shama Medini (the first Shama
property inMalaysia) offering
serviced residences;
along with OZOMedini (after
OZO Penang) presenting stylish
hotel accommodation;
ready and serviced offices
offering flexible work spaces
by Regus and more.
“UMCityMedini Lakeside will
redefine metropolitan living.
UMCity is Phase One of UMLand’s
Medini Lakeside master plan. It is
situated at the gateway that leads
intoMedini Iskandar and is
strategically positioned to offer
corporate office towers, two
internationally branded serviced
residences, a hotel, a lakeside
shopping centre and a variety of
business suites to suit a wide range
of commercial outfits,” said
UMLand Group CEODatuk
Charlie Chia Lui Meng (
It looks as thoughUMLand has all
angles covered. No doubt Medini
Iskandar is a special enclave,
carefully designed to attract
investors and purchasers, local
and foreign, with its economic
incentives. “A lot of industries are
also relocating there, even from
Singapore. Andwith that, these
multinationals and expats are going
to need a place to reside,” shares
Chia, who has looked into seeing to
the needs of the workforce, across
the board.
Call it the ideal place, UMCity
offers homes, temporary residences,
serviced apartments, even
transitory offices complete with all
the necessary ready-to-use
equipment and services apart from
themore grounded, long-term
office spaces. The extraordinary
part of what this developer has
thought of is, including
acclimatisation programmes to
help foreigners settle in – perhaps
not directly though.
“ShamaMedini is famous inHong
Kong. Though they offer slightly
higher-end apartments, most expats
feel comfortable staying with them.
They have an acclimatisation
programme and a hospitality teamto
help expatswhowant to knowwhere
is the nearest market, the best
shopping areas, schools and
education institutions ... which
makes foreigners feel really at home
really. Citadines is another brand
that is similar (under the Ascot
Group) ... A littlemore suited to the
working or middle class, while
Shama ismore luxury,” informsChia.
With Shama and Citadines
accommodating the longer staying
visitors and guests, OZOwill cater
to those on shorter hauls. “The
OZO is more of a businessman or
touristy brand. It is part of the
Amari and Shama Group, operated
by Onyx, which is a Thai brand,”
explains Chia.
From serviced apartments,
serviced residences, hotels,
apart’hotel suites, temporary and
permanent office spaces all seen
to, covering short stints and longer
stays plus relocations lasting a
couple of years – what more is there
to ask of UMCityMedini Lakeside?
Entertainment and education,
of course.
With accomodation and
business needs seen to, lifestyle
requirements are amust. To this,
Chia talks about the area
surrounding the lake. “This water
body is good in a sense that when
you have all the necessitites
covered, you also have this amazing
feature that comeswith a performing
arts lakeside auditorium, waterfront
F&B locations towine and dine in,
green open spaces to enjoy the
outdoors and activities, and so
Chia also informs howUMCity
will double up as the place for some
R&R, especiallywith Legoland in
close proximity. “Going to Legoland
for just one day is not enough. So,
UMCitywill come in nicely,
providing stop-overs and stays for
visitors to Legoland. People can stay
inUMCity and shuttle up and down
to enjoy the thrills of the themepark
nearby,” Chia figures.
An awardwinner at the recent
Asia Pacific Property Awards under
Best International Office
Development, Chia says: “The
reasonwe won this awardwas
because we were integrated. From
all aspects of the development –
“the integrationwith the
environment, the features in the
office, the raised flooring, the inter-
connectivity, the green design ...
Most of the office blocks are single-
pointedwhichmeans they exist on
their own, disconnected, yet are on
the same footprint, connected, with
lodging, hotels, shopping, working
environment, even recreation.”
Moreover, working with
Samsung Electronics, a brand
known for its technology and
cutting-edge applications, the
developer assures that one’s office
connectivity requirements will be
seen to. “Just plug in and get to
work. Anyone who relocates to our
offices here will enjoy the best of
technologies,” Chia adds. Security is
another area one will not need to
worry about with Samsung, a
leading security solutions provider
working closelywith the developer
fromdesign to build.
Watch this space over the next
fewweeks as
unveils more
information on developments down
south in Iskandar, Johor.
Email your feedback and
queries to: propertyqs@
Artist’s impression – UMCity aerial view.
Chia is happy to sharewhat can be expected of UMCityMedini Lakeside.
The lureof
Medini Iskandar spans 2,230 acres within theNusajaya area.
golf course
MARCH 11, 2016
MARCH 18, 2016