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> Insights and direction
the last fewweeks we
highlighted issues faced
by strata property owners
and residents. The
intention was to highlight the
pluses and share about the minuses
in depth for those contemplating
buying into the high-rise lifestyle.
Below are some last few
complaints along with opinions and
Uncompromising to pet
lovers and vehicle enthusiasts
There are pros and cons when it
comes to allowing pets in
residential compounds. This comes
with a long list of whys, including
Malaysia’s mix society of people
frommany different cultures and
religious backgrounds. While
animal lovers may deem the “no
pets rule” as harsh, people with
young toddlers and babies, along
with those of the Muslim faith, will
be more at ease with this
restriction. Besides, howmany pet
owners can truly say they are 100%
responsible in disposing their pet’s
poop properly? For the sake of
hygiene, there are many fence-
sitters and those who, though
animal lovers, will go with the no-
pet rule. However, there are some
who choose to close an eye and live
in denial. But they should realise
that their poor pets are at the losing
end as they will probably need to
sneak their pets in and out and keep
them quiet or muzzled – and
these may not be in the best
interest of their pets.
Vehicle enthusiasts
will keep lamenting on the
difficulties they face when it comes
towashing their cars, motorcycles,
bicycles and such. Althoughmany
condos now come withmanual car
wash services (froman in-house
condo car-wash team), true-blue
car lovers often prefer cleaning
their own rides, questioning the
“one-bucket-wash” system that is
mostly used by the condo car-wash
The other inconvenience is the
scarcity of space towash your own
vehicle while the other problem
often faced is, by the time you get
your keys and drive your vehicle to
the car wash area, someone has
beaten you to it. In addition,
dimples, dents and clawmarks are
to be expected.
and upkeep
Apparently, serviced apartments
and facilitated condominiums/
strata housing developments first
made its appearance in the
city centres and bustling
big towns. These soon
mushroomed and have
become the larger piece of
the pie where residential
types are concerned.
While it has its many
upkeep and
maintenance of
these so-called “conveniences”
have been questioned often enough
for many condo dwellers to simply
close an eye to thesemalfunctioned
Most high-rise housing
development projects aremanaged
by a company or amanagement
corporation set up by the owners
themselves. According to a
developer, they usually hand
everything over to an owner’s
committee who sees to the
management, maintenance and
running of the project once all
construction and paperwork is
completed. Complaints on this
topic includemanagement office
opening hours which are
inconvenient; persons running the
showwho are incompetent or have
their own interests, concerns and
welfare at the fore; matters do not
get resolved quick enough; all talk
and no action; funds collected are
misused or not used properly; et
cetera. Onemust remember that
there is a huge difference between
an apartment and a serviced
apartment especiallywhere hidden
costs are concerned. Serviced
apartments or condos with facilities
are also not governed by the
Housing Development Act and
utility charges differ and are higher,
depending on the location and
surrounding development
(commercial rates apply). Owners
also need to be informed of higher
assessment rates and quit rent
charges as some condos and high
rises are built on commercial land.
Do scrutinise the title and land
deed. The different water and
electricity tariffs in question years
ago are still being looked into by the
government and authorities.
Defaulters of maintenance fees,
especially those unhappywith their
propertymanagement bodies/
committees are liable to be slapped
with fines or jail sentence. In fact,
the StrataManagement Act 2014
(SMA 2013) allows management
bodies to impose penalties like
interests for late payment/default
payment, publish defaulter’s names,
deactivate access cards, bar use of
common facilities including car
parks, et cetera.
For residents of serviced
apartments, condominiums,
apartments and such high-rise
addresses who have issues to take
up, below are the recommended
complaints party hierarchy you can
turn to especially if grievances have
fallen on deaf ears.
Guards – issues on security,
parking, theft, safety, noise, etc.
[immediate action]
Management corporation/joint
management body (JMB) – issues
on cleanliness, maintenance,
damage of vehicle or property,
deterioration of building and
unkempt surrounding, etc. [long-
term resolution]
Commissioner of Buildings or
StrataManagement Tribunal
(SMT) – [long-term resolution]
In an iProperty online article,
Chur Associates founder and
managing partner Chris Tan shared
useful information on strata living
maintenance, fees and charges, plus
rights and obligations of strata
property owners. He compared
owners of this type of
accommodation to shareholders of
a public listed company and viewed
both quite the same. “Value of strata
property is dependent on its upkeep
and condition. Similar to how a
well-run companywill experience
climbing share prices, a well
maintained and properlymanaged
residence will see appreciation in
value,” he said, adding that
maintenance of strata buildings are
supported by service charges and
sinking funds collected from
Tan’s advice to unhappy strata
property owners: “Attend the
annual general meetings (AGM). As
a strata owner you effectively own a
part of the ‘company’, hence have a
say in its matters. At the AGM, you
have access to financial accounts
and if you are unhappy about a
matter or operation or such, you are
able to do something about it
Followour column next week
where we will highlight Tan’s
article on the rights and
responsibilities of a strata property
Restoring joy tohomepurchase
a house is monumental.
Unlike simplymaking a purchase,
the home buyer has a lot on his/
her mind other than just the
obvious financial commitment.
Things like unexpected twists and
turns especially during these
unsettled economic times,
companies trimming down and
cutting costs, as well as untoward
incidents. All these can come as
turn-offs that take the joy right out
of buying a house.
Having seen and sensed this,
IJMLand decided to collaborate
with Allianz Life Insurance
Malaysia and Allianz General
Insurance Company (Malaysia)
Berhad to establish IJMLand’s
Triple Insurance Protection
Scheme (IJMLand’s HomeTIPS).
In short, IJMLand’s HomeTIPS
has put the joy back into buying a
house. Comprising a three-in-one
formof protection for home
buyers of selected IJMLand
properties (priced RM300,000 and
above), prospective home buyers
can now sign on the dotted line
withmore confidence. The three
insurance schemes that come with
the purchase of selected
properties offer peace of mind to
the buyer and his/her family for 36
months from the date of the
signing of the Sales &Purchase
Financial benefits will be paid
out in the unfortunate case of
death or total permanent disability
via a Group TermLife Scheme
and a Personal Accident Scheme.
Purchasers of properties under
the HomeTIPS programme who
are involuntarily terminated from
their employment during the
policy termwill also benefit froma
timely payout under the
Insurance Scheme.
“As investing in a
home is an important
milestone in anyone’s
life, we strongly feel
that this exciting
period in your life
should not be
remembered for all the
wrong reasons. As with
making anymajor
decision, it’s nice to be
able to feel that you are
protected, right from
the very beginning of
the process,” said IJM
director Edward
Chong. Echoing his
sentiments is Allianz
General’s head of
commercial business
John Yep. “We’re
proud to be part of this
insurance scheme ...
Besides becoming owners of a
premiumproperty, buyers will be
protected on their life, from
accidents and the uncertainty in
their employment, via the
HomeTIPS scheme,” Yep
Properties under the
programme include Secoya
Residences, Pantai Sentral Park
Kuala Lumpur, Bandar Rimbayu
Selangor, Shah Alam 2
Selangor, Seremban 2
Sembilan, The Address Duplex
Penang, AustinDuta
Epic Residences
Sebana Cove
Johor, Riverine
Kuching, Bandar
Sandakan and others.
These cover apartments,
condominiums, link houses and
bungalows. For more information
on IJMLand’s HomeTIPS and
projects under the programme,
Bandar Rimbayu
Secoya Residences
AUGUST 26, 2016