For now, double-storey
terrace factories are tagged at
RM1 million; double-storey
cluster factories at RM2 million;
double-storey link detached
factories at RM5 million; and
shophouses at RM625,000.
Lots are between 2,776sf and
JHP is ideally located in close
proximity to the Pasir Gudang
Highway (19km), the Senai-
Desaru Expressway (25km) and
the PLUSHighway (26km).
Nearby ports include the Senai
Airport, Pasir Gudang Port,
Tanjung Langsat Port, Johor
Port and Singapore.
Other selling points include:
• fibre-optic cabling and internet
connectionwith speeds of one
• 600-paxworker’s enclave;
• gated and guarded area with
three-tier security, water and
• LPG/LNG and groundwater
• sustainable lifestyle with
herbal environment landscape;
• bio-based business;
• accreditedHalmas Halal Hub;
• business incentives (10-year
corporate tax exemption);
• world class facilities and
services like IPWL, Halal Lab
and TCMCentre;
• international industry linkage
through scientific halal
laboratory andmore.
completed by year-end.
When asked about UMLand’s
involvement in this project
UMLandGroupmanaging director
Dennis Ng said, “This project is one
of the key developments whichwill
assist in the transformation of
IskandarMalaysia. This
collaboration between us and the
Johor state will establish Iskandar
Malaysia as a dynamic and
exceptional international
metropolis. The different bodies,
namelyMajlis Perbandaran Pasir
Gudang, Unit Pembangunan
Ekonomi Negri along with J-
Biotech, havemade a concerted
effort to produce, develop and
materialise this ground-breaking
Therefore, it is of no surprise
that there is said to be keen interest
fromvarious countries including
China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan
and Singapore in the project. A
delegation fromChina was recently
reported to have expressed interest
in setting up operations at the park.
J-Biotech CEOWan Amir
JeffreyWan Abdul Majid
commented that Johor has all the
“right ingredients” to fulfil the
park’s vision and intention.
He also said commitment from
all the stakeholders at federal and
state governments was important
for the park to achieve its goals.
JHP is developed by Tentu
Teguh Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of UMLand.
The project is designed to
become an industrial hub for halal
products and foods where
operators will need to be Halmas
“stamped”, an accreditation given
by the Halal Development
Corporation (HDC).
With that, we examine Halmas
APRIL 22, 2016
products may not
come across as a lucrative
business if you are looking
at it fromaminuscule
perspective i.e. a small stall in the
laidback countryside. In a broader
view, the industry is gargantuan,
one that is big business with
worldwide demand for halal
consumer products reported to be
worth some US$2.5 trillion (RM9.8
trillion) in 2015.
Now, imagineMalaysia on the
worldmap, with the world’s
leading halal bio-based and herbal-
based park as the global halal hub
right here in IskandarMalaysia.
This is exactlywhat United
Malayan Land Berhad (UMLand)
has planned for Johor Halal Park
(JHP), situatedwithin the Eastern
Gate Development of the said
A freehold park developed to
cater to the world’s halal goods and
foods, the project is a joint
development venture between
UMLand and the Johor state
government-linked company Johor
Corporation (J-Biotech). The park
will consist of a regional marketing
and clearing house that will handle
packaging, warehousing and
logistics; a one-stop commercial
centre; a scientific and halal
laboratory; and provide incubator
facilities of international standards.
These will encompass 141.63ha with
a gross development value tagged
at RM1.5 billion.
Developed in phases, the entire
project is slated for completion
between five and seven years. For
now, phase one, comprising
20.23ha, is expected to be
To date, there are 14 halal parks
nationwide under the HDC-
designatedHalal Park Development.
Operators within these parks need to
receive Halmas accreditationwhere
they have to complywith a set of rules,
regulations and guidelines.
Halal industry players operating
here get to enjoy a number of benefits
including 100% income tax exemption
for a period of time; exemption on
import duty and sales tax on raw
materials; double reduction on
expenses incurred on obtaining
international quality standards and
Halal logistic operators also get to
enjoy some perks that include full
income tax exemption for a certain
period of time, exemption on import
duty and sales tax on equipment,
components andmachinery
pertaining. HDC- designated halal
park operators are not left out as they
too receive incentives such as full
income tax exemption for a number of
years, exemption from import duty
and sales tax on equipment,
components andmachinery used in its
As an industrial hub for halal products
and foods, the JHP label in Iskandar
Malaysia is designed to include the
Phase 1:
50 acres of 89 units of
various types of factories,
shophouses and a labwith a GDV of
RM300million. Forty-five per cent
have been completed.
Phase 2:
Designed to include
ready-built and built-to-suit
factories, commercial properties, a
regional marketing clearance
house, an international Islamic
school and a youth park.
Phase 3:
Commercial development.
Selangor Halal Hub
PKFZ National Halal Park
Melaka Halal Park
POIC Lahad Datu
Tanjung Manis Halal Food
Penang International Halal
ECER Pasir Mas Halal Park
ECER Gambang Halal Park
Pedas Halal Park
POIC Tanjung Langsat
PERDA Halal Park
Sedenak Industrial Park
Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park
Email your feedback and
queries to: propertyqs@
Iskandar developer gears up
many property analysts
predict softening of the Johor
propertymarket, Astaka Holdings
Limited CEODatuk Zamani Kasim
) thinks otherwise. His reason:
“It would not be realistic to
generate an assessment of the
property sector in Johor just by
looking at the population growth
projection of 2%per year. That 2%
per year does not take into
consideration temporary residents
such as outstation or overseas
employees that will be living and
working in Johor. Nor does it
reflect the growth in the number of
students that we are expecting. The
2%population growth evaluation
also doesn’t take into account that
approximately 20%of Johor’s
current populationwill be
maturing over the next three years,
reaching the home-renting or
home-buying age.”
Happy about the interest
property buyers and investors have
shown for The Astaka
One Bukit
Senyum in Jalan Tebrau, Kasim
urges the people to keep an eye on
these five core sectors and four
emerging sectors, which he feels
will collectively fuel the second
spike in property sales in the region
– Electrical and Electronics,
Petrochemicals andOil &Gas,
Food and Agro-processing,
Logistics and Tourism.
The emerging sectors
are Health Services,
Creative, Education and
Finance, Insurance, Real
Estate and Business
“When the factories,
plants, facilities and
universities are at 100%
capacity, we will be
ready for the third spike,
when there is another
influx of workers ... this
time for the entertainment and
F&B outlets, malls, shops, services
and utilities businesses,” he added.
Bukit Senyum is situated just 1km
from the Customs, Immigration
andQuarantine (CIQ) Complex. It
is poised to become the new
Central Business District (CBD) for
Johor Baru City.
At the signing ceremony are (front, from left) MohdNoor, Wan
Amir andNg and (back, from left) Johor education, information,
entrepreneur development and cooperatives committeemember Md
Jais Sarday, Johor Chief Minister DatukMohamed KhaledNordin and
UMLand chairman TunMusa Hitam.
Anopportunity toown a pieceof propertypredestinedon theglobal map
and what it constitutes.
Did you know that there are already
up and running halal parks in the
country? These are facilitated by
the HDC, whichworks closelywith
the International Trade and
IndustryMinistry (Miti), the
Malaysian Investment
Development Authority (Mida)
and theMalaysia External Trade
Development (Matrade). JHP is
accredited as a Halmas halal hub.
Perhaps one would question the
reason for establishing such parks.
Why congregate and howwould it
benefit? In short, it is reported to
help improve the economic
performance of participating
companies as well as ensure halal
integrity is not compromised. By
coming together in a designated
area, it works out to bemore
feasible inmanyways, cost-wise
especially, in terms of
infrastructure, green design, energy
efficiency, link between companies,
consolidating services and
bandying together for marketing
Elaborating on JHP, Tentu
Teguh Sdn Bhd (UMLand’s wholly
owned subsidiary) CEOMohd
Noor Salam said, “Recently our
focus has been on the Far East
countries since they have
expressed interest in developing
within this freehold industrial area.
However, we have also received
interest fromcountries in the
Middle East as well as Europe. This
is very encouraging and the
potential for growth continues to
emerge from this smart partnership
between the private sector and the
state, as well as the federal